vordenkerIt seems to be impossible to arrange this 'affair', as there is a great deal of passion included regardless if you're defendor or accuser. The fond is to unlegitimize a philosophical reflexion by the political engagement of his author or to do the contrary: forget the political engagement and take the philosophy for pure thought, untouchable by unpardonable actions of the individual person.
In other words great philosophy desserves a great person, there can't be any contradiction between ideas and actions.
Unless we see every day that the matter of fact is this everlasting contradiction in human life, it is rather impossible to admit it for a so-called great thinker.
I don't want to excuse Heidegger's attitude towards nazism, it's inexcusable as his silence after the war on this subject was incomprehensible, but it must be possible to analyze his philosophy without seeking everywhere the proof of a "Vordenker der Vernichtung" (planner of extermination).

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