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jeudi 31 mars 2005


A tune from my childhood appeared suddenly, played by the Pascals in their concert last tuesday. I heard the signs but I didn't seize the sens, I simply didn't remember the words, so to speak. After several time of hard cerebral work of memory and internet search I just find the german words: "Ihr Kinderlein kommet, oh kommet doch all ..." Catched up by my good old christian education and all its madeleines, by the burdon of a server's past? Or a moment of spiritual reflection? Anyway, the orchestra's setting was was very near to childhood, some undirected and amusing play with instruments of all sorts. Closing my eyes I could perceive the rattle of a box full of toys.

I admit the transition is rude to Coltrane's India song even with a sheet of music between (there's an essay on click). But it's imposing his power since I redecovered the tune by watching Salva Sanchis dancing to it. Nearly every day I pass in review several versions (the original Village Vanguard recordings and the coverversions from David Murray and Ellery Eskelin - take a look at the radioblog). The more I hear the more I think its basic tune (around B-C) is like a distillation of the whole song, the essential reduction. Eskelin's choice to play only the theme on his saxophone and leave the chorus to his percussionnist isn't an accidental one. "What a sound and mood!" he says in the liner notes of his record. And it succeeds by fading out this childtune the Pascals, unaware, reminded me.

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mercredi 30 mars 2005

Smell attack

A men on my right side, a woman in front of me, both seemed to have dived in a perfume bottle.

Without any doubt an olfactive pollution. But my inhibition to stand up from where I was pinned was still stronger than this nauseous odor. Finally I found the position to recover an healthier ambiance, curved in my seat, my limbs telescoped to the left, very unconfortable so to speak, I was waiting for the end of the concert.

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mardi 29 mars 2005



To write about or analyze in a way that questions traditional assumptions about certainty, identity, and truth, asserts that words can only refer to other words, and attempts to demonstrate how statements about any text subvert their own meanings. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition)

As a matter of fact, Harry has a lot of problems with "certainty, identity and truth" and his character is really "out of focus" (indistinct, blurred, not sharply defined). Behind the blurred image appears the difficulty of distinction between fictional characters of Harry's books and Harry himself.

So blurriness finishes by affecting Harry himself, only the glass (of whiskey) in his hand stays in focus. He's slowly loosing consistency and subverted by his own creation.

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lundi 28 mars 2005

One hour stolen

I can't get uset to it, every year when we switch to summer time, I'd like to put it back, and take back this hour that seems stolen to me. They tell us they save us an hour and we save energy, like this save-time-save-money-shit.
Yet even in my opposition I'm prisoner of the same metaphor: you stole me, I will my money back, after all ridiculous.

Really nothing to do with the politics of stolen time.

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dimanche 27 mars 2005


A friend of mine included me in his mailing and sent me this picture. Good illustration for Easter: "Sans queue (cul?) ni tête" (litterally: Without tail (ass?) nor head, incomprehensible, so to speak). How to celebrate Easter without the essential? Anyway, is there something to celebrate and really "kid-friendly"?
Other question: rabbits or bells? Hopelessly out-dated, I'd like to say. Globalisation mingles much easier and more quickly all sort of rites than a long Middle Age (Jaques Le Goff) that was necessary to fully integrate pagan rites into the christian calendar. Sometimes by linking the christian and pagan feasts, like winter solstice and christmas.
Even if I can't say that the reason for this faster integration is only a question of profit (the Halloween example), it seems at least mingled with real need for feast opportunities and variations.

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samedi 26 mars 2005

Fire alarm

Wail of sirens in my ears, I wondered how to decipher it and felt stupid not to know the code. In Switzerland they reserve the last pages of the telephonebook to explain the signification of alarmsounds. Nothing like that in France. You have to call emergency. But I didn't either. I don't know why exactly, idleness, inertia, waiting out like in school when I guess immediately some bad joke.

Some hours after the sirens the news was revealed: gas explosion in a flat of the city, one seriously injured person, a typical short entry on the news whose importance is judged in proportion to the distance of the event: this explosion was yet too far away.

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vendredi 25 mars 2005

Reconnect or leave disconnected

"In that spirit, I hope the parents do not continue pursuing fruitless legal options until the end. I think their time would be better spent in reflection.", said George Felos, the lawyer for Ms. Schiavo's husband. After seven years of struggle, he successfully petitioned to disconnect the feeding tube that had sustained his severely brain-damaged wife. The Supreme Court declined on Thursday to hear the case of Terri Schiavo and denied the application of injunctive relief presented by T. Schiavo's parents. So to read in the New York Times today.

There is a good example how law in the U.S.A. can be more reasonable than politics. But history ends with real death only.

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