... nous sommes quand même tous des européens."

Arno, great representative of the belgian Blues, was singing this during the eighties of the last century. And it was something like an insider hit.
But the times they are a-changing, was another song.
Today you must be careful to be pro-european (even if others tell the same, but they are Alter-pro-Europeans as they are Alter-Mondialists), you're risking to hear the ultime insult: Ultra-Liberal and follower of the savage capitalists.
Two month ago, the debate was already very low-fi, now it's breaking through the ground floor. Polish danger is everywhere and it works very well.
Certainly, it's impossible to deny a general pauperization with over 20 millions of unemployed all over Europe, but there will be no treaty to change this, not more than constitutions are able to establish equality between men and women for instance.

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